In a world full of success stories and tales of high achievement, it’s natural to wonder: What’s the secret? How did the world’s most influential business owners and leaders accomplish their dreams? In this post, we journey into the realm of mindset and unveil a transformative model that holds the power to reshape your destiny: the Be-Do-Have model of success.
Dismantling Common Misconceptions
We all know (or are) people who believed they would be happy or successful once they acquired certain possessions or statuses. The sentiment often heard is, “If only I had that promotion, that house, or that amount of money, I’d be content.” But experience and research suggest otherwise.
If success were solely based on what we acquire, every millionaire would epitomize happiness, and every business owner with increasing profits would be content. Yet, we hear of magnates experiencing emptiness despite their vast fortunes. Or the CEO I heard of, worth $750m, but on anti-depressants because he hadn’t achieved $1billion.
Why? Because they were operating on the Have-Do-Be model. They believed having wealth and possessions would enable them to do things that would then make them happy.
The Mindset Shift: Understanding Deep Transformation
Switching from the Have-Do-Be to the Be-Do-Have model requires a fundamental shift in mindset. It requires looking inwardly and a deeper understanding that external accomplishments are often temporary, while personal development is enduring.
Most of us are conditioned to believe in a reverse model: “Once I have X, I can do Y and be Z.” This mindset, however, often leads to endless chasing without genuine fulfilment.
This doesn’t mean that aspiring to have great things or achievements is wrong. Instead, it emphasizes the sequence. Start with personal growth and the actions and possessions will follow, often surpassing what was initially imagined.
Why Does It Matter for Business Owners?
Every successful business owner will attest to the importance of mindset in their journey. These individuals don’t just stumble upon success; they cultivate a mindset that invites opportunities, bolsters resilience, and fosters growth. The Be-Do-Have model encapsulates this winning mindset.
For owners who want to have successful businesses – this comes down to 3 steps.
1. BE a successful business owner
I am not talking about fake it to you make it. That never works.
‘Being’ is an identity-level shift.
You see yourself as a successful business owner, you feel like a successful business owner, and you develop the mindset of a successful business owner.
You take on the role of being a successful business owner first.
You start developing the qualities of a successful business owner?
Qualities like confidence, resourcefulness, decisiveness, integrity, generosity, self-discipline, determination, resilience, and willingness to learn.
These are the qualities that will allow you to DO.
2. DO the things that a successful business owner does
From your identity and mindset of being a successful business owner, you can ask: What does a successful business owner DO?
You may find it helpful to look at other successful business owners to see: what they do.
The successful business owners I work with do these things:
- Manage their time well. They’re organized and productive. They delegate.
- Lead their teams. They develop systems for their employees to follow. They implement a team meeting rhythm. They become good at hiring and recruiting.
- Make a profit. They’re good at bringing in money with marketing and sales. They’re also good at reading their financials and tracking their KPIs.
All of these are learnable skills.
3. HAVE the things that a successful business owner has
A successful business is one that gives the owner the life they want. This includes:
- Money to spend on the things they want
- Time to enjoy their success with family and friends
- Pride in creating a profitable business
Leaders and the Be-Do-Have Model: A Perfect Symphony
Think about some of the leaders in their field. Individuals like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Richard Branson didn’t start with a detailed list of what they wanted to have. They started with a vision, a state of being.
Musk’s drive to ensure the future of humanity led to companies like Tesla and SpaceX.
Steve Jobs didn’t start by wanting to have a tech empire. He began with a vision of who he wanted to be – an innovator
Branson’s innate entrepreneurial spirit drove him to create the Virgin Group.
Applying the Be-Do-Have Model Daily
You don’t have to wait for a significant moment to apply this model. Start small:
Morning Routine: Start your day by focusing on a quality you want to embody. It could be positivity, determination, or empathy. Let this trait guide your actions throughout the day.
Goal Setting: When setting goals, instead of starting with a list of things you want, ask yourself who you need to become to achieve them. Then, focus on the actions that such a person would undertake.
Personal Growth: Get in touch with the emotions you are mostly feeling. Are you confident and accepting or are you constantly angry & pissed off? Get feedback. Understanding how others perceive you can provide insights into areas of personal development.
Wrap Up
The Be-Do-Have model is transformative. It challenges age-old beliefs and emphasizes the power of personal growth. In a world where success is often equated with material possessions, this model reminds us that real achievement starts from within.
As you embark on your journey as a business owner, let the Be-Do-Have philosophy guide you. It promises not just success, but a journey filled with purpose, fulfillment, and enduring contentment.
Once you align your being with your aspirations, the actions you need to take become clear, and the results you desire inevitably follow.
By embracing this model, you’re not just chasing outcomes; you’re sculpting a better version of yourself, paving the way for genuine fulfillment and unparalleled achievement.
When you’re ready to BE a high-performing business owner, you’ll recognize that hiring a coach is the first thing to DO so that you’ll HAVE a business that gives you the life that you want.
You can book an initial complimentary 15-minute call with me at