What you focus on expands! Have you heard that before? There are many examples of this in our daily lives. For example, if you wake up feeling sad and down, the day usually serves up many events to make you feel even worse. Not good for boosting performance, is it? One way to break that […]...
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Over the years, as a business coach, I’ve developed a fascination with business owners’ and entrepreneurs’ personal performance and how habit change can dramatically help you achieve the results you want. It started when I noticed I could be working with one business owner in his or her business, doing very similar things with another […]...
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We live in a world where so many people are hooked on distractions. They’re hooked on social media, the news, notifications, endless meetings, and saying yes to every social engagement. So many business owners I meet spend their best hours caught up in trivial pursuits, chasing shiny toys that, at the end of the day, […]...
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What is it that determines the success of some small businesses and the failure of others? Unfortunately, many businesses don’t make it. What is it that separates the two categories? As a business coach, I get to observe the habits and character traits of small business owners who make their own luck and run successful […]...
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In our fast-paced world, personal productivity is a prized asset. In running a business, being able to manage your time effectively and accomplish your tasks efficiently is key to success. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies you can employ to enhance your personal productivity. In this “how-to” blog post, we’ll delve into 10 practical ways to […]...
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