Check out these episode highlights:

01:05 – What’s the most practical thing someone can do to turn adversity into his or her advantage?

01:40 – Why are more and more people turning to podcasts and online learning instead of traditional sources?

03:20 – In today’s world what are the few things we can be certain about?

04:37 – If you were to give the listeners one bit of advice they may not have heard before when it comes to living their potential, what would it be and why?

06:05 – Peter’s Website Address

Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode:

"Stop resisting what has already happened, accept it and put a better strategy to move forward with" - @ PeterSage007 Click To Tweet" There is no certainty in life or nature, but the future holds challenge and opportunity" - @ PeterSage007 Click To Tweet"Get comfortable with the fact that you are okay not being liked" - @ PeterSage007 Click To Tweet"Life only works in your favour when you realize that it is a growth centric experience, not a comfort centric experience" - @ PeterSage007 Click To Tweet

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